Alternative Cancer Treatment
Acupuncture as alternative cancer treatment
This is one of the most popular alternative treatments for cancer. In this therapy, small pins or sterile needles are inserted in some definite points into the skin. It is a very relaxing technique, helps in removing nausea that resulted after chemotherapy treatment, and at the same time is helpful in releasing cancer-related pains. Cancer patients should not undergo this treatment if their blood count is not at optimum levels or if they are on any blood thinning medications currently. Consult your doctor before embarking upon this alternative therapy. While choosing the above, make sure that you put your body in the hands of a licensed and experienced acupuncture therapist.
Oil mixed with fragrances, such as lavender, rose, etc., can be extremely successful in promoting a calm and relaxed feeling in cancer patients. In this therapy, scented oils are either heated to release the fragrance in the atmosphere or mixed with the bath water. The perfect choice is always to have a massage with scented oil. Aromatherapy helps in releasing pain, stress, and nausea sensations. However, at times these oils may cause a skin allergy in some patients. Hence, keep this in your mind before going committing to this treatment. Make sure that you put your body under the ministrations of an experienced aromatherapy massage practitioner and consult him on the best therapy for your particular symptoms and condition.
Biofeedback for cancer treatment
This treatment involves training your mind to monitor various functions of the body, such as heart rate, blood flow rate, muscle relaxation process, etc which normally take place involuntarily. In this process, a biofeedback therapist connects the electronic device to your body at certain specific points to monitor specific body functions. The device produces a beeping sound or has a light indicator to signal any extraordinary physiological activity. Once you have identified the problem area, for example high blood pressure or extreme sensation of pain, the therapist works with the patient to control this response. With the help of meditation and other mental exercise, the patient would be able to control body processes which are usually involuntary. The biofeedback monitor helps chart the progress of the patient and these tangible readings act as a motivating factor in continuing with the therapy. Biofeedback is especially helpful in controlling pain responses, blood pressure problems and incontinence in a cancer patient.
Alternative Cancer Treatment
Cancer is considered to be one of the most dreadful diseases. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment to eradicate it from its roots. Various researchers associated with cancer research are still trying to find a definite cure for this shape shifting disease. Although, conventional treatments are available for cancer, but patients in the initial stages of the diseases are advised to follow some alternative therapies which have proved promising in treating cancer and dealing with some of its effects on the body. Below we discuss some of these treatments.
Acupuncture as alternative cancer treatment
This is one of the most popular alternative treatments for cancer. In this therapy, small pins or sterile needles are inserted in some definite points into the skin. It is a very relaxing technique, helps in removing nausea that resulted after chemotherapy treatment, and at the same time is helpful in releasing cancer-related pains. Cancer patients should not undergo this treatment if their blood count is not at optimum levels or if they are on any blood thinning medications currently. Consult your doctor before embarking upon this alternative therapy. While choosing the above, make sure that you put your body in the hands of a licensed and experienced acupuncture therapist.
Aromatherapy for cancer treatment
Oil mixed with fragrances, such as lavender, rose, etc., can be extremely successful in promoting a calm and relaxed feeling in cancer patients. In this therapy, scented oils are either heated to release the fragrance in the atmosphere or mixed with the bath water. The perfect choice is always to have a massage with scented oil. Aromatherapy helps in releasing pain, stress, and nausea sensations. However, at times these oils may cause a skin allergy in some patients. Hence, keep this in your mind before going committing to this treatment. Make sure that you put your body under the ministrations of an experienced aromatherapy massage practitioner and consult him on the best therapy for your particular symptoms and condition.
Biofeedback for cancer treatment
This treatment involves training your mind to monitor various functions of the body, such as heart rate, blood flow rate, muscle relaxation process, etc which normally take place involuntarily. In this process, a biofeedback therapist connects the electronic device to your body at certain specific points to monitor specific body functions. The device produces a beeping sound or has a light indicator to signal any extraordinary physiological activity. Once you have identified the problem area, for example high blood pressure or extreme sensation of pain, the therapist works with the patient to control this response. With the help of meditation and other mental exercise, the patient would be able to control body processes which are usually involuntary. The biofeedback monitor helps chart the progress of the patient and these tangible readings act as a motivating factor in continuing with the therapy. Biofeedback is especially helpful in controlling pain responses, blood pressure problems and incontinence in a cancer patient.
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