Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment methods for brain cancer:
Curing the brain cancer depends on the extension level of the tumor and the place it’s localized. If it’s possible, some brain tumors are treated in a surgical manner, the tumor is removed and the curing is complete. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy prescribed after the operation help to totally destroy the cancerous cells that remained isolated.
In case of brain tumors that have been affecting in a profound manner some areas of the brain, the treatment consists in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which eliminate the tumor through laser, because the extirpation of the tumor on a surgical method can provoke serious cerebral lesions. In this case the curing is not assured; it can only slow the developing of the cancerous cells, prolonging the life of the sick person.
Meningiomas are forms of tumors that form from the membrane which covers and protects the brain, are benign and can be surgically extirpated. Glioblastomas is another type of tumors, malign, that are born right from the brain tissue and cannot be operated. In serious situations when the curing is impossible, the doctors will try to create a state of comfort for the patient and keep the neurological functions alive, administrating drugs (anticonvulsants, analgesics, corticosteroids) which have the role of reducing the edema, control and ameliorate the pains. The therapies for physical rehabilitation are indicated for the patients for whom the tumors provoked residual brain lesions.
There are also accepted a series of alternative therapies which ameliorate a bit the symptoms of this disease: hydrotherapy, yoga, therapeutic touch, meditation, biofeedback, some methods of reflecting, etc.
The researchers from the National Health Institution are studying a new type of therapy, through which they wish to destroy the cancerous cells at the brain level by modifying their genetics. In this way, through foreign genes, if the result of the tests will be positive, they will realize the most efficient method of treating the brain cancer.
The innovation of this idea consists in the fact that the cancerous cells will be vulnerable for a drug that leads to their destruction, but leaves the healthy cells unaffected and intact. By testing this therapy for humans, for 5 from 8 patients the cancerous tumor has been significantly reduced. Testing this therapy on rats, 11 from 14 animals got entirely rid of the tumors. Nowadays there are necessary many supplementary tests, but the new genetic therapy is very promising on the future market
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment methods for brain cancer:
Curing the brain cancer depends on the extension level of the tumor and the place it’s localized. If it’s possible, some brain tumors are treated in a surgical manner, the tumor is removed and the curing is complete. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy prescribed after the operation help to totally destroy the cancerous cells that remained isolated.
In case of brain tumors that have been affecting in a profound manner some areas of the brain, the treatment consists in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which eliminate the tumor through laser, because the extirpation of the tumor on a surgical method can provoke serious cerebral lesions. In this case the curing is not assured; it can only slow the developing of the cancerous cells, prolonging the life of the sick person.
Meningiomas are forms of tumors that form from the membrane which covers and protects the brain, are benign and can be surgically extirpated. Glioblastomas is another type of tumors, malign, that are born right from the brain tissue and cannot be operated. In serious situations when the curing is impossible, the doctors will try to create a state of comfort for the patient and keep the neurological functions alive, administrating drugs (anticonvulsants, analgesics, corticosteroids) which have the role of reducing the edema, control and ameliorate the pains. The therapies for physical rehabilitation are indicated for the patients for whom the tumors provoked residual brain lesions.
There are also accepted a series of alternative therapies which ameliorate a bit the symptoms of this disease: hydrotherapy, yoga, therapeutic touch, meditation, biofeedback, some methods of reflecting, etc.
The researchers from the National Health Institution are studying a new type of therapy, through which they wish to destroy the cancerous cells at the brain level by modifying their genetics. In this way, through foreign genes, if the result of the tests will be positive, they will realize the most efficient method of treating the brain cancer.
The innovation of this idea consists in the fact that the cancerous cells will be vulnerable for a drug that leads to their destruction, but leaves the healthy cells unaffected and intact. By testing this therapy for humans, for 5 from 8 patients the cancerous tumor has been significantly reduced. Testing this therapy on rats, 11 from 14 animals got entirely rid of the tumors. Nowadays there are necessary many supplementary tests, but the new genetic therapy is very promising on the future market
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer
Treatment Of Brain Cancer