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Friday 30 November 2012

Cancer Health Center

 Cancer Health Center Biography
Dr. David A. Edwards practices Comprehensive Integrative Cancer Care Bio Health Center in Reno, Nevada. In addition to providing Homeopathic Integrative modalities for the actual cancer, comprehensive care can also be used as supplemental ("adjuvant") therapy along with conventional cancer treatments. Comprehensive Integrative Cancer therapy also includes evaluation and counseling on Nutrition for support of the immune system, and techniques from Mind-Body Medicine for healing of the body, the mind, and the deeper dimensions of Being. All of this makes up comprehensive cancer care. 

Comprehensive Cancer Care is a recent innovation in cancer treatment incorporating:
Homeopathic Integrative Modalities for treating or as adjuvant treatment for the cancer
Nutritional support of Immune Function
Mind-Body Medicine for focused Self-Healing.
>The National Cancer Institute has acknowledged a combined treatment approach.

Homeopathic Integrative Modalities
Homeopathic Integrative Therapy using:
European Mistletoe Immune Stimulation Therapy
Adjuvant Ozone and/or Bio Oxidative Therapy
Anti-Homotoxic Therapy
Molecular Immune Therapy of Koch
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

Cancer does not develop in an otherwise healthy human body, Homeopathically referred to as a "Healthy Terrain." Our solution-oriented approach to this reality includes advice about the food that you eat. There are valuable benefits for all patients from working conscientiously on the nutritional biochemistry. In addition to some basic changes in common dietary intake, we create a program of nutritional recommendations specific for our patients as individuals. These recommendations are based on testing using a personalized Metabolic Assessment that provides specific dietary do's and don'ts for you. This testing also provides guidance on optimal nutritional supplementation for you as an individual. Our clinic pharmacy offers only first quality, pharmaceutical-grade nutritional and Orthomolecular vitamin, mineral, nutraceutical, adaptogens and herbal supplements compounded exclusively for David A. Edwards MD, HMD and Bio Health Center. Many of our specific formulations were developed and designed by Dr. Edwards and are produced exclusively for Bio Health Center by Nevada licensed pharmacists. The remainder of our on site pharmacy stock comes from ethical international Nutraceutical manufacturers using our exclusive formulas and pharmaceutical grade raw materials, FDA approved ethical herbal suppliers, both U.S and international, and FDA approved, ethical American and European (German, French, Dutch, Belgian) Homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers. 

Mind-Body Medicine

"Mens sana in corpore sano" is Latin for "A healthy mind in a healthy body." There are valuable benefits for all patients from working conscientiously on the mind-body aspect of their disease. The nutritional part targets the healthy body, and Mind-Body medicine the healthy mind and Spirit. This is a large field of endeavor, it is a very new one to most people, and it is challenging. Ongoing counseling and monitoring is provided to inspire your own participation in your personal work with these new things. Specific practices include Callahan's Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Traditional Five Element Acupuncture, and - basically - an invitation to honest introspection and decision making about the overall quality of your life, past, present and future. Mind-Body medicine is profoundly solution-oriented. In the face of serious illness, the ultimate challenge facing you is to discover that power within you to transform your own experience of living... and even of Life itself.

Homeopathic Medicine

In Homeopathic Integrative therapy, the tumor or seed and the patient terrain or soil in which the tumor grows and spreads are equally important in treatment and prevention. Correcting acid-base pH, metabolic and Oxidative imbalances and strengthening the Terrain is as important in the Homeopathic approach as treating the cancer itself. Homeopathic Cancer therapy also follows the European approach of enhancing natural immune defenses using Detoxification, Nutrition and Metabolic Support to stimulate self-healing. Comprehensive Homeopathic Integrative Cancer therapy also focuses on "debulking" the tumor mass whenever possible, but Nutrition Support (Diet, Enzymes, Vitamins), Immune Support (Ozone, Herbs, Orthomoleculars), Regulation Support of the Neuro-Endocrine-Vegetative body systems (Acupuncture, Bio-Resonance Feedback, Thought Field Therapy), Spiritual Support, Metabolic Support (Insulin, Oxidative methods, Orthomolecular, Poly MVA DNA reductace) and Detoxification (Acupuncture, Herbs, Chelation therapy, Homeopathics, etc.) are also used. In Homeopathic Integrative Medicine the Person as well as the "dis-ease" is treated. Support, treatment and future prevention are the goals at Bio Health Center.

Comprehensive Homeopathic Integrative cancer care is more than just what the doctor does - be it Homeopathy, surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. It is these additional things too. Whole person health care, a trusting physician-patient partnership, and the cutting edge technologies of Comprehensive Cancer Care - highlighted by non-toxic Homeopathic Integrative therapies - are offered at Bio Health Center for enhanced personal health care choice. Responsibility - "response-ability" - is a key word in your work. We feel confident in our ability to respond to your Health and Medical care needs. And we pray for you to feel that fire in your heart - the mark of your own desire, and your ability to respond... to take "response-ability" for your health and medical care.

It is well know in science that anyone who survives one cancer is 200 times more likely to develop a second cancer then someone who has never had cancer. Standard follow-up cancer care focuses on detecting recurrences and not on active prevention. A Homeopathic Integrative approach provides additional preventive choices. By integrating time-tested and multi-cultural based forms of Homeopathic Integrative cancer care the patient is actively involved in decision making and has the advantage of wider choices for prevention and support... and at Bio Health Center, we believe it is All about your personal health care choice. 
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center
 Cancer Health Center

Bone Cancer Cure

Bone Cancer Cure Biography

The treatment options for your bone cancer are based on the type of cancer you have, the stage of the cancer, your overall health and your preferences. Bone cancer treatment typically involves surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of treatments.

The goal of surgery is to remove the entire bone cancer. To accomplish this, doctors remove the tumor and a small portion of healthy tissue that surrounds it. Types of surgery used to treat bone cancer include:

Surgery to remove a limb. Bone cancers that are large or located in a complicated point on the bone may require surgery to remove all or part of a limb (amputation). As other treatments have been developed, this procedure is becoming less common. You'll likely be fitted with an artificial limb after surgery and will go through training to learn to do everyday tasks using your new limb.
Surgery to remove the cancer, but spare the limb. If a bone cancer can be separated from nerves and other tissue, the surgeon may be able to remove the bone cancer and spare the limb. Since some of the bone is removed with the cancer, the surgeon replaces the lost bone with some bone from another area of your body or with a special metal prosthesis.
Surgery for cancer that doesn't affect the limbs. If bone cancer occurs in bones other than those of the arms and legs, surgeons may remove the bone and some surrounding tissue, such as in cancer that affects a rib, or may remove the cancer while preserving as much of the bone as possible, such as in cancer that affects the spine. Bone removed during surgery can be replaced with a piece of bone from another area of the body or with a special metal prosthesis.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-powered beams of energy, such as X-rays, to kill cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you lie on a table while a special machine moves around you and aims the energy beams at precise points on your body.

Radiation therapy may be used in people with bone cancer that can't be removed with surgery. Radiation therapy may also be used after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may be left behind. For people with advanced bone cancer, radiation therapy may help control signs and symptoms, such as pain.

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses chemicals to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is most often given through a vein (intravenously). The chemotherapy medications travel throughout your body.

Chemotherapy alone or combined with radiation therapy is often used before surgery to shrink a bone cancer to a more manageable size that allows the surgeon to perform a limb-sparing surgery. Chemotherapy may also be used in people with bone cancer that has spread beyond the bone to other areas of the body.
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 
Bone Cancer Cure 

Cancer Bone Health

Cancer Bone Health Biography

Cancers can be discovered in bones in a number of different circumstances. When cancer is located in the bones, it is important to differentiate whether this cancer has spread from another site to the bones or whether the cancer originated in the bone tissue itself. This distinction is important not only for the sake of correct terminology, but also to accurately determine which treatment options are appropriate.

There are more than 100 types of cancer, and each cancer type is named for the organ or tissue in which it begins. When cancer cells spread, they may travel via the lymphatic channels to lymph nodes, or they may enter the bloodstream and travel to other organs or locations in the body that are distant from the site of the original, or primary, tumor. It is not unusual for cancers that originate in other parts of the body to spread to the bones and begin growing there. Certain types of cancers are particularly likely to spread to the bones. Cancers that commonly metastasize, or spread, to the bones include breast cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and cancers of the kidney.

It is important to note that when these other types of cancer spread to the bone, they are still named for the tissue or organ where they arose and are not termed "bone" cancer. For example, breast cancer that has spread to the bones is referred to as metastatic breast cancer and not bone cancer.

In contrast to cancers which have spread to the bone, true bone cancers are tumors that arise from the tissues of the bones. These cancers, called primary bone cancers, are quite rare in comparison to cancers that have spread to the bones.

True bone cancer affects over 2,000 people in the United States each year. It is found most often in the bones of the arms and legs, but it can occur in any bone. Children and young people are more likely than adults to develop bone cancer. The symptoms of bone cancer tend to develop slowly and depend on the type, location, and size of the tumor. Pain is the most frequent symptom of bone cancer, but sometimes a lump on the bone can be felt through the skin.

Bone cancers are known as sarcomas. There are several types of sarcomas of bone, depending upon the kind of bone tissue where the tumor developed. The most common types of primary bone cancer are osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma.

Osteosarcoma usually occurs between ages 10 and 25 and is more common in males than in females. Osteoosarcoma is most commonly found in the long bones of the arms or legs. Ewing's sarcoma is a tumor most commonly seen in people between 10 and 25 years of age that develops in the shaft (middle portion) of large bones, such as the hip bones, the long bones of the legs and upper arms, and the ribs. Chondrosarcoma is the bone tumor that is found mainly in adults. Chondrosarcoma arises from cartilage, the tissue located around the joints. Other, more rare types of bone cancer include fibrosarcoma, malignant giant cell tumor, and chordoma.

The treatment and prognosis of bone cancer depend upon multiple factors including the type and extent of the cancer, the patient's age and overall health status. Bone cancer may be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these. Treatment for cancer that has spread to the bones (metastatic cancer) depends on the type of cancer (the tissue where the cancer started) and the extent of the spread.

Finally, another type of cancer can arise from blood cells produced in the bone marrow. Leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma are cancers that arise from these cells. These are referred to as hematologic malignancies (cancers of blood cells) and are not types of bone cancer.

Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health
Cancer Bone Health

Breast Cancer Health

Breast Cancer Health Biography

Sally Armstrong, author of Veiled Threat: The Hidden Power of the Women of Afghanistan

“... a gift of hope ...”
– Maureen Manningham, Breast Cancer Action

Nicole phoned very early one morning from her hospital bed. It was still dark, a February darkness that held no promise of spring, or even of light.

“I've joined your club, Pen,” she said.

The club, of course, was breast cancer, a club that is becoming less and less exclusive. It will accept anyone as a member, and not one, not a single one, ever wanted to join.

Breast Cancer: Biography of an Illness is a book for women diagnosed with breast cancer who suddenly find themselves facing a multitude of personal decisions – and for anyone who has been touched by the malevolent mystery of the disease. A breast cancer survivor herself, Penelope Williams has filled this gritty, honest book with information, research, stories, and hard-won personal insights so crucial to living with – and living past – breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 
Breast Cancer Health 

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Health Biography

Kathleen Sebelius was sworn in as the 21st Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on April 28, 2009.  Since taking office, Secretary Sebelius has led ambitious efforts to improve America’s health and enhance the delivery of human services to some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations, including young children, those with disabilities, and the elderly.

As part of the historic Affordable Care Act, Secretary Sebelius is implementing reforms that end many of the insurance industry’s worst abuses, and will help 34 million uninsured Americans get health coverage.  Under the law, she is also carrying out policies that put a new focus on wellness and prevention, support the adoption of electronic medical records, and help recruit and train more primary care health providers.

In addition, Secretary Sebelius is working closely with doctors, nurses, hospital leaders, employers, and patients to slow the growth in health care costs through better care and better health.  And under her leadership, HHS has formed a historic partnership with the Department of Justice to stamp out health care fraud that has already returned record sums to the Medicare Trust Fund.

Secretary Sebelius is committed to ensuring that America continues to lead the world in innovation. Under her leadership, HHS is promoting public-private collaboration to bring life-saving treatments and medicines to market.  The Department is also working to build a 21st century food safety system that will prevent outbreaks before they occur.  And it is collaborating with the Department of Education, to help states increase the quality of early childhood education programs, and give parents more information to make the best choices for their children.

Secretary Sebelius also leads the nation’s emergency health response to crises and natural disasters, including the Haiti earthquake, the Gulf oil spill, and the Joplin, Missouri tornado. And as America’s top health official, she continues to work with our international partners to confront global health issues like polio, HIV/AIDS, and the growing costs of chronic disease around the world.

Forbes has named Secretary Sebelius one of the 100 most powerful women in the world. Before her Cabinet appointment in April, 2009, she served as Governor of Kansas beginning in 2003, where she was named one of America’s Top Five Governors by Time Magazine. From 1995 to 2003 she served as Kansas Insurance Commissioner. She was a member of the Kansas House of Representatives from 1987 to 1995.

Secretary Sebelius is the first daughter of a governor to be elected governor in American history; her father John Gilligan served as Ohio’s Governor from 1971-75. She holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Kansas and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity Washington University. She is married to Gary Sebelius, a federal magistrate judge. They have two sons, John and Ned, and a daughter-in-law, Lisa.