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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes Biography


It is estimated that 25 percent of the population of the United States will face diagnosis of cancer during their life time, with 1.3 million new cancer patient’s diagnosis each year. Less than a quarter of these patients will be cured solely by surgery and or local radiation. Most of the remainder will receive systemic chemotherapy at some time during their illness in a small fraction of patients with cancer representing selectedneoplasms. The chemotherapy will result in a cure or prolonged remission.However, in most cases, the drug therapy will produced only a regression of the disease, and complications and /or relapse may eventually lead to death, thus the overall 5-years survival rate for cancer patients is about 65 percent, ranking cancer second only to Chronic Pancreatitis, Acute Pancreatitis as a cause of mortality.

The ultimate goal of chemotherapy is a cure (thus is long term disease free survival).a true cure requires the eradication of every neoplastic cell. If a cure is not attainable, then the goal becomes control of the disease (stop the cancer from enlarging and spreading) to extend survival and maintain the best quality of life. This allows the individual to maintain a normal existence, with the cancer thus being treated as a chronic disease. In either case, the neoplastic cell burden is initially reduced, either by surgery or by radiation, followed by chemotherapy, immunotherapy or a combination of these treatment modalities. In advanced stages of Pancreatic Cancer, the likelihood of controlling the cancer is far from reality and the goal is palliation (that is elevation of Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms and avoidance of life threatening toxicity) this means that chemotherapeutics drugs may be used to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer and improve the quality of life, even though the drug may not lengthen life.

The growth rate of most solid Pancreatic Cancer is initially rapid, but growth rate usually decrease as the tumor size increases. This is due to unavailability of nutrients and oxygen caused by inadequate vascularization and lack of blood circulation. Reducing the tumor burden through surgery or radiation often promotes the recruitment of the cells into active proliferation and increases their susceptibility to chemotherapeutic agents. Combination drug chemotherapy is more successful than single drug treatment in most of the cancers for which chemotherapy is effective. Sign and symptoms of pancreatic cancer may not appear until pancreatic cancer is quite chronic.

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes

 Pancreatic Cancer Causes 

Cancer Donations

 Cancer Donations Biography


Our charity shops rely on your donations and it couldn’t be easier to help.
By simply having a sort out and donating any unwanted items to your local Cancer Research UK shop you can raise money for our life-saving work - without it costing you a penny.
What you can donate

There are lots of things we would love to sell in our shops. From jumpers to jewellery and belts to books, learn more about what you can donate to Cancer Research UK.
How to donate
Donating goods is really easy. Find out how to get your bags to us, whether you are giving as:

    An individual - if you're having a clear out at home
    Part of a group - whether it’s a scout pack, a church or a group of friends
    Or a business - there are lots of options to make donating goods as simple as possible.

Why you should donate today

One bag of items could be worth as much as £30. Just five bags could fund a cancer information nurse for a day. Our experienced cancer information nurses provide a confidential service for anyone with concerns about cancer.
There are so many reasons to donate to your local Cancer Research UK shop.
Journalist Dawn Porter donating goods
‘By donating your quality unwanted items, not only will it feel amazing to be able to see clearly what you’ve actually got, but you’ll be helping to raise vital funds for research into cancer, helping to save more lives and keep families like mine, who have been affected by cancer, together.’
Dawn Porter, journalist and presenter

Cancer SignSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Biography


Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is a water sign, which signifies your highly emotional nature. Being under the sway of the element of water also makes you highly caring, generous and intuitive. You are highly evolved, even spiritual — the water signs are karmically developed and refined in spirit.

Water is malleable and adaptable. You are very much like that. You adapt when you have to, but you much prefer to make changes on your own terms.
Like water, you are soothing and nourishing too. Life-supporting energies are at the heart of your character. You will act as a support for many people — in your own family and beyond.

Oscar-winning actress Kathy Bates is a dedicated patron, funding a Beverly Hills hospital for women recovering from cancer. Guess what her star sign is? You got it — Cancer!

You are for the most part a person of feeling and sensation. Often you will ignore your own judgment and rationality, and someone’s else’s reasonable advice, in favor of how you feel. You don’t care if you’re wrong, either! If your intuition tells you to do something, like reaching out to give someone a helping hand, you’ll just do it.

Others turn to you when they need a shoulder to cry on — you’ll do well in any of the caring professions. This approach is highlighted by your key life phrase, ‘I nurture’. You find it difficult to turn away anyone in need. Anyone who knows you will agree that you are one of the best people to connect with if they need advice. Friends will turn to you if they are in trouble, knowing that your sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.

You are extremely receptive to your environment and the people around you, and will often ‘pick up’ people’s energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves you well; your intuition about people is quite often correct. Your knack of knowing people’s issues before they even open their mouths attracts them to you. The difficulty with this, though, is that you can tend to absorb their emotions — negative as well as positive.

You reflect the qualities of the changing Moon. This means that at times your emotions get the better of you, and you swing from high to low. Family and friends will be well aware of this, but they will not doubt your loyalty and support.
Another aspect of the Moon that sometimes doesn’t work well for you is its maternal nature. You sometimes veer too close to the mothering/smothering lane, which can put people off.

Back on the plus side, you love to mix with all sorts of people. Social activities are an essential ingredient in your development. You are a great success socially, because you can convey your wisdom to others so well — Cancerians have very expressive faces.
Creative enterprises are a great way to make the most of your moods and your imagination. Music and writing are perfect vehicles for you. You can express the inner part of your being as entertaining literary, art or music pieces.
Cooking is also a great outlet for you. Even if you cook as a hobby rather than as a job, you will find that it balances your state of mind over time.

Sometimes you can get locked into your own private lifestyle, and only come out at full Moon. Being a recluse is not for you, though — share your talents and love with the world. Some of this is down to your love of the night.

Because the Moon’s domain is the night, many Cancerians are night owls. From twilight on, your creativity starts to flow and you feel at home — you have a strong affinity with lunar energies. This is a good time to get into writing, meditating, or just walking in the moonlight. All these will energize you. You love the stillness and mystery of the night.
You are a consummate homemaker. Even men born under this sign express the ‘feminine’ aspect of their character in their love of the kitchen, and activities that make them feel secure in their domestic space.

You love to collect or keep mementos — such as scrapbooks and other bits and pieces — that bring back memories of good times and people you care about. You have a great memory, not just for facts, but also any good turn or kindness you’ve received.

You can always talk about any subject with anyone. That retentive memory is a help here, as is your impartial, even-handed approach to people generally. Dealing with people comes naturally to you: add this to your shrewdness and intuition, and you are likely to be a good businessperson. You can also use these skills in managing your day-to-day life.

If you are a Cancer born between 22nd June and 3rd July you are under the double influence of Moon. You are emotional, loving and destined in marriage and love life. However, try to curb your changeable emotions. Don't let sentimentality rule you.

Were you born between 4th and 13th July? Well, Cancer, I see you have a very deep and penetrating mind and can sometimes be overly intense in relationships. Your loyalty is unconditional and you make the staunchest of friends.
As a Cancer born between 14th and 22nd July you are prone to a dreamy and idealistic attitude in life. You like the idea of being compassionate and forgiving to everyone and serve the needs of friends and family well. That’s fine but don’t forget that you have needs as well.

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Sign Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Breast Cancer StagingSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

 Breast Cancer Staging Biography


In epidemiologic studies, cancer stage is an important predictor of outcomes. However, cancer stage is typically unavailable in medical insurance claims datasets, thus limiting the usefulness of such data for epidemiologic studies. Therefore, we sought to develop an algorithm to predict cancer stage based on covariates available from claims-based data.

We identified a cohort of 77,306 women age ≥ 66 years with stage I-IV breast cancer, using the Surveillence Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)-Medicare database. We formulated an algorithm to predict cancer stage using covariates (demographic, tumor, and treatment characteristics) obtained from claims. Logistic regression models derived prediction equations in a training set, and equations' test characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value [NPV]) were calculated in a validation set.

Of the entire sample of women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, 51% had stage I; 26% stage II; 11% stage III; and 4% stage IV disease. The equation predicting stage IV disease achieved sensitivity of 81%, specificity 89%, positive predictive value (PPV) 24%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 99%, while the equation distinguishing stage I/II from stage III disease achieved sensitivity 83%, specificity 78%, PPV 98%, and NPV 31%. Combined, the equations most accurately identified early stage disease and ascertained a sample in which 98% of patients were stage I or II.

A claims-based algorithm was utilized to predict breast cancer stage, and was particularly successful when used to identify early stage disease. These prediction equations may be applied in future studies of breast cancer patients, substantially improving the utility of claims-based studies in this group. This method may similarly be employed to develop algorithms permitting claims-based epidemiologic studies of patients with other cancers. 

 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Breast Cancer Staging Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Eye CancerSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

 Eye Cancer Biography


 The Eye Cancer Network is the first online-based community dedicated to eye tumor patients. This site was developed to help patients around the world find much needed information and research on the various forms of ocular tumors and related eye diseases. This includes detailed descriptions, images and information about the diagnosis and treatments for each of these disorders.

The Goal of The Eye Cancer Network is to empower patients to find the resources they need to improve their lives. Hosting millions of patients each year, The Eye Cancer Network strives to be the premier online community for patients, their families and the professionals who care for them. The Eye Cancer Network was created to promote multi center cooperation, facilitate scientific collaborations and collegiality among eye cancer specialists.

The Eye Cancer Foundation makes this web site possible. Support from this nonprofit charitable foundation has allowed Dr. Finger to create this world-class resource for patients (and their families) diagnosed with ocular tumors and related ophthalmic conditions. Your contributions to The Eye Cancer Network supports multi center and international cooperation for eye cancer research, education and patient support.

    CLICK Blue links TO FIND: a free ocular tumor text and atlas, a directory of related eye tumor links, an online bulletin board (support group) and a world-wide physician finder. This web site also includes up to date information about the standard methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The Eye Cancer Network Web Site was created and written by its Editor, Paul T. Finger, MD, FACS. This internationally recognized eye cancer specialist has pioneered the use of many diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Dr. Finger treats patients with eye cancer, ocular tumors and orbital diseases at The New York Eye Cancer Center.
Along with this site, Dr. Finger publishes critical eye-tumor-related information in major clinical journals, and lectures frequently at local, national and international meetings.He is fiercely dedicated to the treatment of eye tumor patients.To find out more about

 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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 Eye Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell CancerSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Biography


The terms "small cell" and "large cell" are merely descriptive terms for the appearance of the cancer cells under the microscope. In addition to determining the appearance of the cells, your doctor will also perform tests to determine the size of the cancerous area, how abnormal the cells are, and whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other sites. While each of these factors is important, classifying a cancer based on its microscopic appearance helps your doctor determine:

    The likely course or outcome (prognosis) of the cancer
    The most effective treatment for a specific cancer

Common terms used to describe the appearance of cancer cells include:

    Clear cell. The inside of the cell appears clear. Examples include some kidney, ovarian and uterine cancers.
    Spindle cell. The cell is narrower at both ends than at the center. Examples include some breast, gastrointestinal, muscle or other soft tissue, and skin cancers.
    Large cell. The cell is larger than are normal cells. An example is lung cancer affecting the bronchioles.
    Small cell. The cell is smaller than are normal cells. An example is small cell lung cancer, an aggressive cancer that usually spreads to other parts of your body (metastasizes).
    Squamous cell. The cell is flat in appearance. Examples include skin cancer or any other type of cancer that starts in the lining of some organs, such as a bronchus of a lung.
    Adenocarcinoma. The cell is gland-like in appearance. Examples include some lung, gastric and endometrial cancers.

Other factors that help classify a cancer include:

    Area of the body in which the cancer originated, such as the liver or breast. Cancers from certain organs may have a similar appearance. For example, the most common type of kidney cancer is classified as clear cell. On the other hand, breast cancer rarely has a clear cell appearance. So clear cells on a breast biopsy may indicate that the cancer didn't originate in the breast but spread there (metastasized) from another area of the body, such as a kidney.
    Type of tissue from which the cancer evolved, including carcinomas and sarcomas. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.

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Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

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Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Small Cell Cancer Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cure For Cancer

 Cure For Cancer Biography 


Although oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, has written a magnum opus on cancer, he doesn’t think his über-expert status will change how he interacts with patients. The 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner for nonfiction 

says, “I try to be very humble about the possibilities and achievements of what can be done and what cannot be done in cancer. I think, unfortunately, becoming an expert is as much a poison to writing a book as it is to treating a patient.”

Mukherjee realizes that America’s 40-year war on cancer (or for that matter the 2,500-year war since Queen Atossa of Persia had a tumor excised from her breast) is littered with hopes and dreams for cures that never appeared. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer is a sober assessment of the state of cancer and makes no claims that defeating it is within our reach. Yet Mukherjee, an assistant professor of 

medicine at Columbia University, acknowledges a biomedical renaissance is under way, writing, “The tools that we will use to battle cancer in the future will doubtless alter so dramatically in 50 years that the geography of cancer prevention and therapy might be unrecognizable.”

Paul Costello, chief communications officer for the School of Medicine, caught up with the Stanford graduate in August as Mukherjee was on vacation winding down from the year’s non-stop action as a clinician, researcher and celebrated author.