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Tuesday 7 May 2013

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Throat Cancer Biography


Fourteen-year-old Shawn was only trying to make friends and fit in at a new school when he started sneaking cigarettes from his father. But more than 30 years later he was still smoking, and the damage to his body was taking its toll.

Shawn was in his mid-forties when a chronic cough and laryngitis turned out to be throat cancer. He endured 38 radiation treatments and hours at the doctor’s office and finally quit smoking—but doctors were unable to save his larynx. He now has a stoma (opening) that allows him to breathe and a laryngeal implant that allows him to speak. As someone who enjoyed singing and playing the guitar, Shawn says the loss of his natural voice was "heartbreaking."

"I went through 3 years of treatment and recovery," says Shawn, who is now 51. "I have to get my implant changed every 90 days, and it’s not fun."

Shawn wants others to learn from his experiences through the Tips From Former Smokers campaign. He hopes his story will help others quit smoking.

"It’s a rough road," he says. "I wouldn’t like to see anyone else go through what I’ve gone through, because it affects you the rest of your life. You have a choice. Look at me and you see where choosing to smoke leads. Is this the choice you want to make?.

Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer 

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer 

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer

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Throat Cancer 

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Throat Cancer

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Cervical CancerSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cervical Cancer Biography


 Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) — a sexually transmitted infection — is the most common cause of cervical cancer. When a woman is exposed to HPV, her immune system usually prevents the virus from doing any serious harm. But in a small number of women, the virus survives for years. Eventually, the virus can lead to the conversion of normal cells on the surface of the cervix into cancerous cells.

At first, the cells may only show signs of a viral infection. Eventually, however, the cells may develop precancerous changes. This is known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Typically, the precancerous changes go away spontaneously. In some cases, however — particularly for women who have altered immune systems — cervical intraepithelial neoplasia may eventually progress to invasive cervical cancer.

It's not clear why some women are more likely to develop cervical cancer. Some types of HPV are simply more aggressive than are others. Cigarette smoking also increases the risk of cervical cancer. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, women who smoke are about twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop cervical cancer.

There are two HPV vaccines available — Gardasil and Cervarix. They offer protection from several of the most dangerous types of HPV. Gardasil is approved for boys and men, girls and women ages 9 to 26. Cervarix is approved for girls and women ages 9 to 25.

Remember, if you're sexually active, the best way to prevent HPV and other sexually transmitted infections is to remain in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. When you have sexual intercourse outside of a long-term monogamous relationship, always have your partner use a condom. Regular screening for cervical cancer and precancerous changes of the cervix is important, too

Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

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Cancer Research Institute

Cancer Research Institute Biography


Welcome to the UCI Cancer Research Institute. Approximately 1.45 million people were diagnosed with cancer in the US in 2007; cancer is currently the number 1 killer of people under age 85 in the US, and one of the most feared diseases. While there have been advances in therapies for some cancers, in many cases the “cure” rates are well below 50%. Moreover other cancers have remained refractory to effective treatments or cures (e.g. pancreatic cancer, glioblastoma, melanoma). Thus there is a continuing need for research in cancer at all levels.

The purpose of the UCI Cancer Research Institute (CRI) is to facilitate and coordinate basic cancer-related research and training at UCI.

The CRI has the following goals:

        Facilitating cancer-related research of CRI-affiliated faculty and their staff
        Facilitating multi-investigator and multi-disciplinary cancer research, including submission of application for multi-investigator grants and contracts
        Functioning as the basic science arm of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC)
        Facilitating interdisciplinary research between basic scientists and  clinicians or population scientists
        Serving as the Irvine campus focus of the CFCCC
        Coordinating graduate and postdoctoral training in cancer research at UCI

Organized Research Unit (ORU)
The CRI is an organized research unit (ORU), recognized by the UC Regents as a center of excellence in basic cancer research. The CRI presently has 51 affiliated faculty, drawn from departments in the School of Biological Sciences, basic and clinical departments from the Medical School, the School of Physical Sciences, the School of Engineering, and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the new College of the Health Sciences. An organizational chart is shown below.

The CRI facilitates basic cancer research at UCI by supporting research efforts of individual affiliate faculty; facilitating collaborative research, including submission of multi-investigator proposals; coordinating graduate and postdoctoral training in cancer research; and sponsoring meetings on cancer-related topics. In addition, since 1994 the CRI has administered Sprague Hall, a research building dedicated to cancer and genetics. Sprague Hall serves as the physical focus of the Cancer Program/Cancer Center on the Irvine campus.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Stomach Cancer Symptoms  Biography


A simple test that analyzes the chemical signature of a patient's exhaled breath could help diagnose stomach cancer, according to new research by scientists from Israel and China reported online in the British Journal of Cancer this week.
The researchers hope the breath test will offer an easier screening tool than endoscopy, where a specially trained medical professional looks at the inside of the stomach via a tube inserted down the patient's gullet, and sometimes also retrieves a biopsy sample of the stomach lining.

Senior author Hossam Haick, a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, at Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology, says in a press statement:

"The promising findings from this early study suggest that using a breath test to diagnose stomach cancers, as well as more benign complaints, could be a future alternative to endoscopies - which can be costly and time consuming, as well as unpleasant to the patient."

He cautions, however, that the findings of the pilot study are still at "an early stage", and serve more to confirm the idea that a breath test for stomach cancer is worth investigating further.

"Indeed, we're already building on the success of this study with a larger-scale clinical trial," says Haick.

Haick has been studying the effectiveness of nanoparticle sensors as a way to detect minute traces of disease biomarkers for a while. The sensors use materials that are thousands of times smaller than the thickness of human hair, and capable of detecting just a handful of molecules.

In 2011, the British Journal of Cancer reported how a nanosensor "nose" developed by Haick and his team successfully distinguished patients with head and neck or lung cancer from healthy controls by analyzing patterns of molecules in their exhaled breath.
For this latest pilot study, the researchers used nanomaterial-based sensors to analyze breath samples from 130 patients who had undergone endoscopy, some with biopsy. 37 of the patients had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, 32 had ulcers, and 61 had less severe stomach complaints.

Colon Cancer SymptomsSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Colon Cancer Symptoms Biography


If you complete your entire colonoscopy preparation your colon should be squeaky clean for the test. This allows the doctor to visualize the inner lining, which can be obscured by leftover stool or fluids, potentially camouflaging a polyp or irregular flat tissues within the colon. The cleaner your colon is, the better your doctor will be able to see.
Read More »
Cancer Finding Exams
 What is a Colonoscopy?  

 Virtual Colonoscopy
    Colon Biopsy

Am I Regular?
Tuesday April 30, 2013

toilet tissue roll

Image © Julie Wilkinson

More often than not, the majority of questions I receive by email at focus on gas and bowel movement issues. Fact is, farting stinks, no pun intended. Excess gas can cause abdominal and social discomfort - but bowel irregularities and constipation can hold far more serious complications.

Only you can determine if you are truly "regular" or not. Every one of us has a unique "normal" bowel movement pattern - perhaps you move your bowels every two days, but your spouse moves hers daily. The trick is knowing what is regular for you, and then considering any irregular patterns that deviate from this.

When your physician asks you if you've had any bowel irregularity, he or she is inquiring about your (and only your) bowel schedule. If you used to move your bowels twice daily and haven't had a movement today, it is most likely not a cause for concern and does not mean you are irregular. When this pattern persists over time, and the texture, size, or color of your bowel movements constantly changes, that may be irregular. Your stool travels all the way through your digestive tract and can say a lot about your health upon its exit. Perhaps it's constantly too firm or painful to pass - you may not be drinking enough water or eating enough fiber. Bottom line, if you are noticing something irregular about your bowel movements, schedule a doctor's appointment so you can discuss it. There's nothing embarrassing about it.
If you want to learn more about what your bowels might tell you start here:

Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

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Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Biography


In recurrent ovarian cancer secondary surgery may be an important opportunity to improve survival and quality of life. In order to give a general overview of the available evidence, we discuss published
data on the role of secondary surgery in relapsing ovarian cancer. The median survival after secondary surgery has been reported ranging from 16 to 29 months, and seems to be longer in
subjects with optimal debulked disease. However, as with front-line debulking, it is difficult to establish whether the secondary debulking itself has a therapeutic, or even a lasting palliative effect, or whether the patients in whom the procedure is successful are those who have more indolent disease. Any benefit of treatment must be compared with potential morbidity. Post-operative complications are reported in about 25–30% of cases, with a potential impact on hospital stay. During the natural course of the disease, most patients with ovarian cancer develop intestinal obstruction, without impairment of other vital organs or pain. Reported series have suggested that palliative surgery for bowel obstruction is generally feasible in most patients. Some prognostic factors have been suggested to identify patients likely to benefit most from palliative surgery: young age seemed to be associated with longer survival after successful surgery for bowel obstruction, though this finding was not statistically significant. The site of obstruction does not seem to be related to survival after surgery.


Cancer Patients Biography


Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) via either surgical or chemical castration is the standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer (PCa). In North America, it is estimated that more than 40,000 men start ADT each year. The side effects of this treatment are extensive and include gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, and reduced libido. These changes strongly challenge patients’ self-identity and sexuality.

The historical term for a man who has been castrated is ‘eunuch’, now a pejorative term implying overall social and sexual impotence. In this paper, we review key historical features of eunuch social performance and sexuality from a variety of cultures in order to assess the validity of contemporary stereotypes of the androgen-deprived male. Data were taken from secondary sources on the history of Byzantium, Roman Antiquity, Early Islamic societies, the Ottoman Empire, Chinese Dynasties, and the Italian Castrati period. This cross-cultural survey shows that castrated men consistently held powerful social positions that yielded great political influence. Many eunuchs were recognized for their loyalty, managerial style, wisdom, and pedagogical skills. Furthermore, rather than being consistently asexual and celibate, they were often sexually active. In certain cultures, they were objects of sexual desire for males, or females, or both.

Collectively, the historical accounts suggest that, given the right cultural setting and individual motivation, androgen deprivation may actually enhance rather than hinder both social and sexual performance. We conclude that eunuch history contradicts the presumption that androgen deprivation necessarily leads to social and sexual impotence. The capabilities and accomplishments of eunuchs in the past gives patients on ADT grounds for viewing themselves in a positive light, where they are neither socially impotent nor sexually chaste.