Kidney Transplantation Biography
An organ transplant is the transferring of an organ from the donor's body to the patient’s body in place of receivers absent or damaged organ to activate it again. There are three types of grafting process which are applied during organ transplantation. If the organs or tissues are taken from the same patient’s body to which it will be transplanted, this grafting process is called auto graft. If the organs or tissues are taken from the donor's body into the patient’s body within same species, this grafting process is called allograft. If the donor is selected from different species of the receiver, this grafting process is called Xenograft.
The donor may be living or not in allograft process. If the donor is not living then it has a specific time limit before damaging the transplanting organs or tissues. Organs which are usually transplanted widely are liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, intestines etc. Tissues are collected from special parts of the body such as skins, veins, bones, cornea, and heart valves etc. kidney is the most usual organ which is transplanted for worldwide purposes.
In case of living donor, brain must be dead. For that reason parts of the brain which regulate breathing and heart beat are collapsed during transplantation. Breathing and heartbeat is controlled by artificial system for that time. But that is a tough job for the doctors. Because every patient does not have same capability to maintain breathing by artificial means. They go through the path of death. So it must be ensured that weak donor's are rejected as much as possible.
Tissues are collected from the donor within 24 hours through temporary cessation of their cardiac system. But the collected tissues from any organ except corneal tissues can be preserved or stored for at least five years. It is obviously good news for everybody. Those preserved tissues are found from the organ bank when we need them. Government has its strict regulation for the safety of proper organ transplantation. Otherwise, communicable diseases are spread out over generation to generation.
Most of the times living donor's are relatives or near and dear ones of the patient. Emotional matters are very much effective over the risks of the donor’s life. Psychologically they are strong in those cases. Donors have no concern about their own life but they want to save the life of their nearest people. So doctors should be concerned about those cases that they must not accept that types of donors which are not physically fit. Paired exchange is done by stereotyping for the living donor.
It is a compatibility test procedure between donor and receiver. Cross matching and blood incompatibility are identified by this technology. Sometimes donors are inspired to give their organs or body parts by attractive amount of money. This is unethical and unexpected matter for modern science. Transplantation medicine is a gainsaying area of modern science. Transplant rejection may occur in the patient’s body. Sometimes the immune system of the patient’s body works against transplanting body parts. In this case the transplanting organ is removed from the patient immediately. Organ transplantation brings happiness to many people by transplanted getting a new organ and a new life.
Kidney Transplantation Biography
The donor may be living or not in allograft process. If the donor is not living then it has a specific time limit before damaging the transplanting organs or tissues. Organs which are usually transplanted widely are liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, intestines etc. Tissues are collected from special parts of the body such as skins, veins, bones, cornea, and heart valves etc. kidney is the most usual organ which is transplanted for worldwide purposes.
In case of living donor, brain must be dead. For that reason parts of the brain which regulate breathing and heart beat are collapsed during transplantation. Breathing and heartbeat is controlled by artificial system for that time. But that is a tough job for the doctors. Because every patient does not have same capability to maintain breathing by artificial means. They go through the path of death. So it must be ensured that weak donor's are rejected as much as possible.
Tissues are collected from the donor within 24 hours through temporary cessation of their cardiac system. But the collected tissues from any organ except corneal tissues can be preserved or stored for at least five years. It is obviously good news for everybody. Those preserved tissues are found from the organ bank when we need them. Government has its strict regulation for the safety of proper organ transplantation. Otherwise, communicable diseases are spread out over generation to generation.
Most of the times living donor's are relatives or near and dear ones of the patient. Emotional matters are very much effective over the risks of the donor’s life. Psychologically they are strong in those cases. Donors have no concern about their own life but they want to save the life of their nearest people. So doctors should be concerned about those cases that they must not accept that types of donors which are not physically fit. Paired exchange is done by stereotyping for the living donor.
It is a compatibility test procedure between donor and receiver. Cross matching and blood incompatibility are identified by this technology. Sometimes donors are inspired to give their organs or body parts by attractive amount of money. This is unethical and unexpected matter for modern science. Transplantation medicine is a gainsaying area of modern science. Transplant rejection may occur in the patient’s body. Sometimes the immune system of the patient’s body works against transplanting body parts. In this case the transplanting organ is removed from the patient immediately. Organ transplantation brings happiness to many people by transplanted getting a new organ and a new life.