Bladder Cancer Symptoms Biography
Bladder cancer has long been considered a disease of older men. Though it is more prevalent in men, studies have shown that women are more likely to present more advanced tumors and have a worse prognosis than men at almost every stage of the disease. According to a report published by the National Cancer Institute, the survival rate for women with bladder cancer lags behind that of men at all stages of the disease. African-American women, particularly have poor outcomes when diagnosed with bladder cancer. They present with the highest proportion of advanced and aggressive tumors when compared to African-American men and Caucasian men and women. In addition, the number of women diagnosed with bladder cancer has been increasing
BCAN applauds Keith Richards’ wife, Patti Hansen, for sharing her story of facing bladder cancer in the August 2010 issue of Vogue Magazine. Bladder cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, and probably the least talked about. On behalf of the over 600,000 Americans living with this disease, BCAN commends Ms. Hansen for her bravery in openly telling her story of living with bladder cancer. It is wonderful that she is able to show that a bladder cancer survivor can maintain her active life and her radiant beauty.
It is important for women to understand their risks for bladder cancer and know what to ask their doctors.
Awareness is the key: in most cases, bladder cancer is treatable, but prompt diagnosis is critical.
Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos
Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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Bladder Cancer Symptoms
Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos
Bladder Cancer Symptoms
Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos
Bladder Cancer Symptoms
Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos
Bladder Cancer Symptoms
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