Monday, 6 May 2013

Cancer StagesSign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages Biography


If you're diagnosed with cancer, you may then have further tests that can help to determine how far the cancer has progressed. Staging and grading the cancer will allow the doctors to:
    work out how large the cancer is
    whether or not it has spread
    the best treatment options for you
Cancer grades
Your cancer will be of a certain grade. The grade of a cancer depends on what the cells look like under the microscope.

In general, a lower grade indicates a slower-growing cancer and a higher grade indicates a faster-growing one.
    grade I: cancer cells that resemble normal cells and aren't growing rapidly
    grade II: cancer cells that have features between grades I and III - they don't look like normal cells and are growing somewhat faster than normal cells
    grade III: cancer cells that look more abnormal and may grow or spread more aggressively
Cancer stages
The stage of a cancer describes the size of a tumour and how much it has spread from where it started. Below is an example of staging that the clinic may use:
    stage 0: is where is started (in situ) and not spreading
    stage I: the tumour is less than 2cm and is not spreading
    stage II: the tumour is 2cm to 5cm with or without lymph node involvement (lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system). It has not spread
    stage III: the tumour is more than 5cm, or any size but fixed either to chest wall, muscle or skin, or has spread to lymph nodes above the collarbone
    stage IV: the tumour is any size - it may affect the lymph nodes but has definitely spread to other parts of the body
There's more information on cancer available in our Health A-Z section. 
Further information:  How is cancer treated?
   Am I more at risk if my relatives have cancer?  Common health questions about cancer
   Health A-Z: breast cancer
   Health A-Z: lung cancer  Health A-Z: bowel cancer  Health A-Z: prostate cancer
  Macmillan Cancer Support: what is the difference between stage and grade?
   Macmillan Cancer Support: staging and grading of breast cancer


Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages 

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages 

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages 

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages 

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos

Cancer Stages

Sign Ribbon cells Horoscope Symbol Tattoos Research Zodiac Sign Ribbon Tattoos











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