Monday, 11 February 2013

Renal Insufficiency

Renal Insufficiency Biography
Symptoms and causes of kidney failure
The symptoms of kidney failure or kidney problems appears slowly over a long period of time, so they can easily go unnoticed or thought to be normal stress. Knowing the symptoms of kidney failure can help you recognize the problems and then get proper treatment. If you experience any symptom of kidney failure, you should at once discuss it with your doctor and not ignore it. The symptoms of kidney failure or kidney problems are swelling, weakness, fatigue, feeling cold, shortness of breath, changes in urination, rash or itchy dry skin, restless, cramped or sore legs, metallic taste in the mouth, loss of taste and nausea.
When kidneys are failing, excess fluids build up in the body and this leads to a condition in which the hands, ankles, feet, face swells up. This fluid can also collect in the lungs, which then causes shortness of breath. Kidney failure can slow down the production of a hormone which leads to a low red blood cell count. This can cause anemia, which makes you feel tired very quickly. Your kidneys make urine, so kidney failure can cause the urine to change. Urination problems include bloody urine, more or less urine than usual, a change in how often you urinate, or a pressure or difficulty in urinating. When kidneys fail, the buildup of waste in your blood can cause rashes or severe itching. Buildup of waste in the blood can make your food taste different or cause bad breath, which leads to loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea and weight loss.

There are many causes of kidney failure. Kidney failure mostly occurs because of acute situations or chronic problems. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two common causes of kidney failure. A family history of kidney problem can also increase your risk of developing the disease. Diabetes damages the blood vessels in your body and makes it difficult for the kidneys to function properly. High blood pressure if left untreated can exert added force and cause damage to the glomeruli which filters the waste from your blood. Kidney stones are also a cause for kidney failure. Kidney stones are crystallized minerals and other substances that can form on the inner surface of the kidneys and over time become small, hard masses. Most of these conditions that lead to kidney failure occur over a long period of time and can cause damage to both the kidneys. You need to be aware, that even if further deterioration can be stopped, the damage already done is usually permanent. Your doctor can work with you to find the best treatment options that suits your case and needs.

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