Thursday, 7 February 2013

Cancer Breast

Cancer Breast Biography
Breast cancer is the type of Cancer that is most common in women and the second most common worldwide. Women have been found to have one in eight chances of developing Breast Cancer in their life.

Breast Cancer is found frequently in Western countries. Europe and North America holds the biggest numbers of Breast Cancer patients. The people’s lifestyle in those continents is found to be the known trigger of the disease.

Although it rarely happens, Breast Cancer cases in men were documented as well. In fact, it accounts for about 1% of Cancer deaths in men.

The number of afflicted patients at present have ballooned since the 1970s data. This progress was blamed mostly on the modernist lifestyle adapted by the modern people. Then again, the last few years seen those numbers declined. This is due to the continued efforts of the medical world to find relief and remedies that will topple off the disease. Breast Cancer awareness efforts also helped women become more open to undergo mammography, which opened up the pathway towards early detection and treatment. Still, Breast Cancer remains as one of the most feared health condition in the world. It even surpassed heart disease, which is the most common cause of death every where.

Breast Cancer is characterized by lumps or tumors in the breast cells. If these lumps remain undetected, they may spread to other body parts and cause complications. Doctors use a staging system to classify a patient’s level of affliction. Breast Cancer stages are determined according to its severity. Establishing the extent of the disease allowed the doctors to use appropriate treatments with each case.
Image: Breast cancer

The common triggers of Breast Cancer are found as hormonal, environmental, genetic or a combination of any. A number of variables have been identified to affect a person’s chance at contracting Breast Cancer. These include age, sex, alcohol intake, eating habits, tobacco use, and exposure to radiation. However, not one of those variables is traced to cause the Cancer in a particular case.
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast
Cancer Breast

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