Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What Is Kidney Function

What Is Kidney Function Biography
The kidney's job is to process nearly 48 gallons of blood every day. They filter, cleanse, rid the body of toxic wastes and reabsorb nutrients and water. What they cannot use they excrete in the 1 - 2 litres of urine produced every day. The Chinese call the kidneys ‘the master organ’. The kidneys also filter and re-absorb phosphate and calcium from foods, promote strong bones and help secrete a hormone called erythropoietin which acts on bone marrow stem cells stimulating red blood cell production, renin, kinins, and prostaglandins. They also play an important part in controlling blood pressure and manufacturing the active form of vitamin D – cholecalciferol (or calcitriol) or 1,25 dihydroxy.
Detoxification takes place in the liver and kidneys. To help alleviate MS symptoms, it is vital that your body detoxifies properly. The problem is that inadequate drainage of toxins through the liver and kidneys can cause a build up of toxicity which in turn can cause extensive free-radical damage, poorer cell function, and disrupted energy production by the mitochondria in the cells. This leads to build up of lactic acid and more toxicity and you may then start experiencing symptoms of fatigue, pain, sickness, poor memory, brain fog, tingling/numbness and balance problems. Also, the brain gets damaged by toxins and free radicals because not enough oxygen can get to the brain. Hormone problems also develop due to injury caused to the hypothalamus. This can also cause temperature and hormone levels to become disrupted. There may also be things like mood swings and PMS
The Importance of the Kidneys in Detoxification
As the kidneys work together with the liver it is important that no detoxification programme is done without first supporting the kidneys and the liver. When kidney and liver function is sluggish toxic waste cannot be fully flushed from the body so is circulated around the body in the bloodstream. An overload of toxins can cause irritation and the whole of the urinary tract becomes more prone to infection. Normal kidney function may be interfered with - resulting in water retention, kidney stones and mineral deficiencies. Symptoms of sluggish kidneys include fatigue; a need to urinate frequently, especially at night; a decrease in amount of urine or hesitancy in urination; swelling of the ankles, feet and legs; puffiness around the eyes; low mood and mood swings; agitation; tension; irritability; difficulty concentrating; slow sluggish movements, restless, heavy legs; decreased sexual interest and erectile dysfunction.
How to Improve Sluggish Kidney Function
First, restrict protein as protein increases metabolic waste, which is something the kidneys must remove from the body. A food intolerance test will help to identify problem foods. Second, avoid chemicals and food additives. Third, maintain calcium, iron and magnesium levels. Magnesium deficiency can have a direct effect on kidney function because of its link to high blood pressure. It is important to eat magnesium rich foods – and these are included in most detoxification diets. Good sources are green vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains. Also, chew food well - this helps digestive enzymes to break food down. Water is very important but too much can be harmful. Eight glasses of pure water a day is fine. Vegetables and fruit are high in water so this can count towards the daily water intake. Restrict alcohol and too much salt and avoid heavy meals. Also avoid fried foods, processed fats, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, dairy products and processed carbohydrates. Finally be cautious with all types of drugs and chemicals, get plenty of sleep and avoid heavy meals.
Bio Resonance Scanning
In my clinic I use a unique programme called ‘Bio Resonance Scanning’, an energy therapy based on the principle that every material structure in the universe radiates a unique energy signature or frequency. As individuals we are in fact frequency receivers, transducers and transmitters. The bio resonance technology is able to conduct a ‘conversation’ with the body through frequency patterns and is able to identify, through the process of resonance, the body’s response. It can seek out hidden stressors or imbalances that are putting stress on the system. This programme can identify chemical imbalances, vitamin/mineral imbalances, yeast, candida, mercury toxicity and food imbalances. The bio resonance programme is then able to neutralise the frequency of any toxin present. The programme works beyond removing toxins; it actually “rewires” the body by enhancing healthy frequencies using bioresonance technology. Psychological and emotional imbalances can interfere with the hormonal and endocrine system. This programme can identify these interferences and send a ‘balancing/treatment’ programme to the body for the body to heal itself.
Case: Annabel McVeigh, 34, from Hertfordshire was diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS in 2002. She had her first of three bio resonance scans in 2007. At Annabel’s first bio resonance scan comfortable cable connectors or electrodes were placed on her neck and around her wrist. The scanner then took half an hour to converse with the body. A computer printout showed how well the various body organs were working. The scan found that Annabel’s endocrine system, kidneys, liver and lymphatics needed rebalancing. It also uncovered food intolerances. “It was explained to me that I need to make sure I am breaking down my foods and that my detoxification pathways are clear. My body was holding on to toxic waste which can cause symptoms affecting my blood sugar balance, thyroid and kidney/liver strength,” says Annabel. A re-balancing programme was then drawn up by the scanner and bio-resonance patterns were sent to Annabel via the connection cables. After the first session a tiny silver rebalancing “capsule” was given to Annabel which she was told to carry round with her at all times in a pocket and which allowed the rebalancing to take place at a distance – by transmission in “remote mode”. Annabel thinks bio resonance has really worked for her. In 2007 she had a relapse which affected the movement of one of her hands – an area where she had had previous MS problems. After a bio resonance treatment, her hand recovered within a day.
Case: Carol Nunn, 61, from Hertford, was diagnosed in 1996. Carol first had a bio resonance scan in 2006. The scan showed that her body was not getting rid of harmful toxins and that some of the foods she was eating i.e. proteins, were not being absorbed properly and taking too many supplements was slowing down detoxification.The scan also identified emotional imbalances. Carol is now on a total ‘rescue’ programme. This consists of structural realignment, diet, supplements (including pre-biotics and pro-biotics), and emotional balancing. When having the bio-resonance scan Carol experienced a “draining and lightness” within her body, and afterwards said that the pain in her eyes and legs had lessened considerably. Her sleeping pattern has improved, walking and energy levels much better than before the treatment, in fact she is now in better health than ten years ago!
Case: Claire Conroy-Oldham, 35, from Watford, was diagnosed with MS in 2002. Claire had bio resonance scanning in 2006. The scan revealed her body needed a ‘clean up’. Says Claire: ‘I was advised to take certain supplements, have Cranio Sacral Therapy and avoid the foods I was intolerant to because they were causing stress on my system. These were sugar, alcohol, bread, cakes, sweets, fruit juices and yeast foods like malt, smoked and pickled foods. I wasn’t breaking down protein, and was advised to take digestive enzymes. Now, my eyes are excellent.”
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function
What Is Kidney Function

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