Thursday, 10 January 2013

Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcer Biography

Mouth Ulcers or Aphthous Ulcers are lesions caused in the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. They are caused due to a break in the epithelium of the oral cavity.

They could be located anywhere inside the mouth, under the tongue or at the base of the gums.

They develop due to various reasons, like trauma, infection, drugs, deficiencies or any medical condition.

They can be very painful and can make eating and talking difficult.

They cause a lot of swelling in the surrounding soft tissue, and need to be taken care of, in order to prevent secondary infection.

Mouth Ulcers can develop at any age, but are more commonly seen with advancing age. They are more common in women.

Allopathic  treatments for Mouth Ulcers  include Topical Pain Relieving Creams like Orabase and Lidex , Mouth Rinses containing mild amounts of steroids and Nutritional Supplements containing Vitamin B12.

However these Allopathic treatments do not  cure Mouth Ulcers . They are merely a way of suppressing symptoms.
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Mouth Ulcers Causes

1) Trauma: This is the most common cause of mouth ulcers. Physical trauma could be caused by a sharp tooth-edge, accidental biting, post dental-treatment, or due to dentures.

Trauma can be due to chemical reasons, like alcohol or any irritant that comes in contact with the oral mucosa.

2) Dietary Deficiencies: Deficiency of Vitamin B12 and Zinc in the daily diet has been linked with the development of aphthous ulcers in the mouth.

Deficiency of Vitamin C further aggravates the condition, by causing a delay in the healing process.

3) Viral infections like herpes cause mouth ulcers, which are preceded by blisters that rupture to form ulcers.

4) Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria which causes peptic ulcers can also cause mouth ulcers.

5) Faulty functioning of the immune system can cause the body to attack normal cells and cause ulcers.

6) Recurrent ulcers in the mouth can be due to low levels of immunity.

7) Celiac disease is a common cause of mouth ulcers. Here, the ulcers form due to gluten sensitivity.

8) Hormonal imbalances during menses and pregnancy can also cause mouth ulcers.

9) Emotional stress is also a common finding in individuals with mouth ulcers.

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are red in color with a white or yellow center. They may be present anywhere in the oral cavity, on the tongue, or at the base of the gums.

They may be asymptomatic and noticed on examination of the oral cavity.
They can give rise to a tingling and itchy sensation in the mouth.
Some ulcers are very painful, making eating and talking difficult.
At times, tiny ulcers merge to form one large ulcer, which takes very long to heal.

Mouth ulcers may also give rise to mild fever and swollen lymph nodes in the cervical region.

Diagnosis of Mouth Ulcers

Diagnosis can be easily made by visual examination of the oral cavity.

A detailed history may be required to find out the underlying cause.

Mouth Ulcers Treatment

Conventional Therapy

Symptomatic treatment is the key in curing ulcers. The underlying cause, if known, also needs to be treated. Oral hygiene needs to be maintained to prevent recurrence.

The various treatment options employed are:

-- Topical Pain Relieving Creams like Orabase and Lidex reduce the pain and promote healing.
-- Mouth Rinses containing mild amounts of steroids reduce the swelling and pain.
-- Nutritional Supplements containing Vitamin B12 and folic acid are prescribed when ulcers are caused due to deficiencies.
-- Antacids used for gastritis may help in relieving the burning caused due to mouth ulcers.
-- Extremely hot and spicy food should be avoided completely.

If ulcers don't heal despite all the above measures, they require medical attention.

Biogetica Therapy

Biogetica's natural remedies not only relieve your symptoms and quickly heal your mouth ulcers, but also correct imbalances that cause you to be prone to mouth ulcers.* The advanced Homeopathy and Nutritional remedies in the mouth ulcers kit work specifically by:

• Providing you with quick relief from the acute pain and swelling caused due to ulceration of the oral mucosa*

• Addressing the nutritional deficiencies that are a common cause of aphthous ulcers*

Customers report a marked reduction in relapses of ulcers after taking our products.*

GUAVA LEAVES (Amrud ke Patte) and their health benefits are known to people across the world from ancient times. They are obtained from the guava tree which is
commonly planted in the backyard of the North Asian, Central American, Northern South American and Mexican regions. When its fully grown, it attains the height of around 25 feet, which is very rare.Some studies suggest that guava is better than oranges as it contains more vitamin C. So, its leaves are also extremely beneficial. They lower the blood sugar levels or diabetes. Their use removes the toxins that cause diarrhea.Now, the question arises, how to make use of Guava Leaves?
The tea made from these leaves treats mouth ulcers and the discomfort generated by sore throat, laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx of vocal cord) and mouth swelling.

A topical application of their paste helps to heal wounds and various skin infections, like acne, due to their anti-bacterial nature. For this purpose, take around 10-15 leaves and chop them well. Pound or beat them gently using a bottle and then apply them on the affected parts and cover with a cloth. Leave it for around 24 hours and then change the poultice again till the wound heals completely.

Chewing guava leaves is considered as a fine weight loss remedy as they prevent starch from turning into sugar. The problems of high blood pressure and high bad cholesterol levels can also be controlled with the use of these leaves. For this purpose, just take some leaves and wash them in clean water and chop them and simply chew them. Chopping these leaves is essential as they are a bit hard, sometimes.
Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 

Mouth Ulcer 


  1. ORALMEDIC provides you with a hygienic means of treating mouth ulcers. Simply snap one end of the stick to allow ORALMEDIC to permeate the cotton bud before application. Tags:Mouth Ulcer,Betadine,OralMedic,Bonjela

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