Friday, 4 January 2013

Mouth Cancer Signs

Mouth Cancer Signs Biography

Our approach teaches you how to successfully treat the cause of all types of cancer, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, Bone cancer, Carcinoma, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, Leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, skin cancer, etc., and other common serious illnesses.

The entire purpose of our approach teaches you how to correct the DNA production of cells. When a person has cancer or some other disease the cells now have damage to them and each day the body produces some an estimated 500 million new cells. These 'new cells' are a mirror image or 'photocopy' of the original cells.

If the original is damaged then the copy will be damaged or lacking as well. That is why we need to correct the 'original document', the DNA. Otherwise it will keep on producing millions and trillions of defective 'copies'.

The Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese of Dr. Johanna Budwig as well as the ultra high nutritional formula TRICAN® corrects the original "document" or DNA of the cells with a blast of ultra high nutrition. That way the DNA will now start producing healthy cells instead of distorted and diseased cells. That is the real solution to cancer and disease.

In other words we want you to "get on top of the cancer" as soon as you reasonably can, before it gets on top of YOU!!

With cancer there is never even a day to waste. This "fast track" potent anti cancer protocol that we will explain to you, when followed properly to date has been reported to have an 80% - 93% success rate (based on the work of Dr. W Kelley, Dr Beard and Dr. J Budwig). People who take only part of the program and mix and match with other programs usually do not get such good results. Our approach is much like a fine tuned watch that needs all the parts and requires an accurate adjustment to work right. The combination of ultra high nutrition, selected anti-cancer herbs and foods, in the right proportion as well as cleansing and detoxifying the body is the key. With Cancer or any serious illness one does not have time to "reinvent the wheel" and "experiment" with several different "remedies". Using a time test approach that combines several successful holistic approaches in the field of alternative medicine clearly puts one in the best possible position to eventually be able to say "Now it's Cancers Turn to Die!".

There are 4 main causes of cancer (and most illnesses) which are:

Cause No 1 - Weak Immune System - usually caused by a severe negative emotional shock (death in the family, divorce, family problems, financial setbacks, etc.) overworked and run down over an extended period of time, pessimistic negative thinking most of the time, lack of rest, and improper nutrition that reinforces the immune system. Ed Sopcak a cancer researcher in United States consulted with over 30,000 cancer patients. He concluded "most all the cancer patients I have spoken with had a major stress in their life six months to 3 years before they were diagnosed with cancer.

Cause No 2 - Toxins - such as dangerous chemicals (in the workplace, home or garden), microbes, parasites and fungus, etc. The late Dr. Hulda Clark who examined and treated thousands of cancer patients stated that "all cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol (as found in many body care and household cleaning products) and the intestinal fluke (parasites, worms) in their liver".

Cause No 3 - Improper Diet - Cancer thrives in an "acidic" environment. A regular consumption of "acidic foods" such as fizzy (soft) drinks, chips (crisps), coffee, store bought pastries, deep fried foods (French fries, donuts), prepared meats (hot dogs, sausages, bacon, ham) fast foods, food additives, etc contribute to cancer.

Cause No 4 - Oxygen Deprivation - Trans fats (margarine, refined vegetable oils) used in deep fried foods and processed foods (mayonnaise, refined vegetable oils) actually suffocate the cells when ingested depriving the body of life giving oxygen. Dr. Budwig encouraged the use of only "cold pressed" natural oils, such as flaxseed oil, coconut oil, etc.

It may be a combination of all four of these "causes" or one in particular that a cancer patient can pinpoint as their main reason for having cancer. One thing for sure, your diet, lifestyle and state of mind are absolutely critical to prevent and/or win this battle. And another thing for sure you need to "remove" these four causes to win the battle against cancer.

Just as a car would be immobilized if all four wheels where removed, once the 4 main causes of cancer are no longer there it will naturally go into remission. Cancer is not a death sentence but it does represent a formidable challenge and it requires a highly skilled and disciplined approach using several different effective herbs, teas, selected foods and therapies.

Dr. Johanna Budwig - was one of Germany's top biochemists as well one of the best cancer researchers throughout all of Europe. She was born in 1908 and lived to be 95. Seven times she was nominated for the Nobel Prize. Dr.Budwig claims to have had over a 90% success rate with her diet and protocol with all kinds of cancer patients over a 50 year period which is why The Budwig Center uses this as the basis of their program and we have been directly authorized by Dr. J Budwig to do so, when we visited her in August 2000.

Does her protocol work for all types of cancer? Dr. Budwig explained in her books that her healing plan works on improving the cells of the body. It doesn't matter where the cancer cells are located or what name is given to your cancer because the Budwig program addresses the basic cause of the cancer in the first place.

Often people contact our Clinic and they mention that they are already using the Budwig protocol, however after talking with them we discover that most are not following it properly. They may have read bits and pieces about how the program works on various internet web sites. And unfortunately there is a lot of erroneous or missing information on the exact diet and the do's and don'ts of her regime. Dr. Budwig stressed the need to follow her program in an exact manner otherwise the results would probably be very disappointing and even at times counterproductive. For example some mix the flaxseed oil with yogurt instead of low fat cottage cheese. This does not work because the cottage cheese contains the sulphurated protein that is so important in the Budwig formula.

The Budwig Center-Budwig Wellness program shares with you full insight into the Budwig protocol and how to make it work best for your personal situation. We will 'hold you by the hand' and guide you step by step up to your recovery. For further information the Budwig Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Quark diet, please read our Budwig Cancer Diet page.

At The Budwig Center we have over 30 years of research behind us and the Budwig protocol has 50 years of research and countless Case Studies to back it up.

Many of those whom have come to our clinic from all over the world are now "cancer-free" and this includes people with all types and stages of cancer, including some people with "terminal" cancer by applying what they learn at our center.

When you come to The Budwig Center we enroll you in a Wellness Course. You will discover how to take responsibility for your own health so when you return home you will know what to do to win the battle! The Budwig Center will continue to support you with our "Cancer Support" program right up to the day that your health is restored.

First of all you learn how to change your internal environment to one in which cancer cannot thrive.


At our Center our approach teaches you how to "win the battle" against cancer in the shortest reasonable time possible by implementing a multi faceted totally natural time-tested anti-cancer program. Each day at our Center in the beautiful "Costa del Sol" located in Southern Spain not only will you benefit from the sunshine and sea (we average 325 days of sunshine per year), but you will learn how to detoxify your body all the "rubbish" of many years of pesticides, chemicals, medicine from the liver, colon and lymph system. Daily coffee enemas, Hydro Colonics, Saunas, massages, and the deep liver cleanse are all part of our program. Daily you will work with our Nutritionist to prepare and learn how to prepare healthy meals.

Studies show that negative emotional experiences, past and present contribute to some 85% of illnesses.

We offer you three different effective emotional healing programs that really help you overcome past hurtful experiences and deal with current ongoing issues, such as depression, stop smoking, controlling worry, weight control, phobias, etc.

You also have the option of learning this technique and an instruction book is provided to continue in your home.

Budwig Protocol - During your stay with us and this will provide you with in-depth information from A - Z on how Dr. Budwig treated her patients. You will learn what foods to eat and which ones to avoid. A daily schedule and check list will be provided so that you will know exactly what to do each day. Our nutritionist will prepare some of the Budwig recipes with you. Each therapy that is used will be explained and how it works with the Dr. Budwig's approach.

Consultation with Dr. Marie D. Lopez M.D. a medical doctor, as well as a Naturopathic Doctor and an examination of your medical history is conducted (please bring X-rays, scans, PET, blood work, if available etc)

Blood test and other tests will be conducted so we can personalize the therapies to your particular issues.

Diagnostics with Quantum and Oberon Machine (measures the energy of all the basic organs of the body)

Daily educational seminars and group discussions on healthy living, cooking, diet, herbal supplements, causes of cancer, appropriate diet, therapies, marriage and interpersonal human relations skills, etc

Hyperthermia - localized hyperthermia in the BioMedic Clinic under the supervision of Dr. Marie D Lopez, M.D. creates an artificial fever and sends a special radio wave to the affected area.

"Give me a chance to create a fever and I will cure any disease," said Parmenides, a Greek physician and philosopher (540-480 B.C.).

You will receive 10 sessions during your two week stay)

Sunbathing - You can walk down to the beach and sunbath beside the beautiful Mediterranean sea or on the balcony at the Budwig Center.

Electro-Magnetic therapy (for frozen or stiff muscles, sciatic and lower back pain)

Massage therapy and Osteopathy, including techniques for frozen muscles, sciatica, realignment, meridian balancing and emotional massages to overall well being.

PSN - the potent immune enhancer, which has proven very effective in the reduction of tumors as well as "awakening" the immune system and bringing it to normal healthy levels. Homeopathic remedy with little or no adverse side effects. Activates T cells, macrophages, dendrite and natural killer cells. Reduces cancer-related pain, cough, dysponea (shortness of breath), nausea and vomiting. Helps overcome fatigue, constipation and improving appetite, and weakness so often common with fighting cancer. In a clinical study of 44 patients with pancreatic cancer (one of the most difficult to successful treat) 39% recovered and are still alive and well after 5 years - probably the highest ever recorded 5 year survival on Pancreatic Cancer published so far in medicine history!!

Lymphatic Drainage sessions

IV Infusions of Glutathione and other homeopathic formulas to drain the liver, lymph system and kidneys

Ultra Sound tests (as needed to detect and remove suspicious breast lumps)

Biomagnetic Therapy using very strong magnets to neutralize disease-causing pathogens and pH balancing of the body. This system is known as the "biomagnetic-pair" by Dr. Isaac Goiz -

Personalized Nutritional consultation

Anti Cancer recipes and foods explained and demonstrated

Coffee enemas for liver decongestion (daily)

Ultimate Liver Cleanse using Epsom salts, citrus juices and olive oil (2 day weekend program)

Hydro Colon Therapy - cancer patients are generally suffering from toxicity and cleansing the colon is indispensible to detoxify the body.

Heavy Metal detox formulas and programs

FIR Infrared whole body sauna detox therapy (daily)

Meridian balancing therapy

E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) "Tapping" - sessions to reinforce a positive attitude in regaining your health as well dealing with past negative trauma, depression, stop smoking, controlling worry, weight control, phobias, etc). You have the option of learning this technique and an instruction book is provided to continue in your home.

Bach Flower emotional analysis and extracts (to take home)

Selected Herbs - Dr. Budwig did not believe that artificially manufactured supplements were helpful in fighting cancer. However she did use a variety of effective proven herbal natural compounds, teas and formulas. You will be supplied with these herbs and teas and taught how and when to take them and why they are part of the Budwig protocol.

Daily detoxification with pure water/coffee enemas to aid the liver to expel harmful toxins will be explained and encouraged. Bacteria are often the source of pain. Many people with pain notice a dramatic improvement after doing the enemas. These pure water and coffee enemas add to effectiveness of the microbe/parasite/bacteria cleansing.

Ultimate Liver/Gallbladder Parasite Cleansing -
 the liver performs between 500 and 3000 functions per day. We teach you an ancient but very effective proven remedy that has helped many expel hundreds and even thousands of "soft stones" and parasites from the liver/gallbladder. Each "stone" apparently has parasites in it. This cleanse is much more effective than the Hulda Clark liver/gallbladder cleanse that many have read about and used. At the end of the Five Day microbe/parasite/bacteria cleansing we teach you how to do this deep liver/gallbladder cleanse. As one of the four main causes of cancer is due to toxins, this aspect is imperative. Dr. Hulda Clark she states "I see that all cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite! It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or the kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the liver, it causes cancer! All cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in their liver.

Interpersonal Human Relations - Almost everyone has difficult people to deal with in life today. An irritable neighbour, a grumpy co-worker or a hard to get along with in-law, etc. This can have a very negative impact on our health, especially if it is a daily relentless negative environment. Therefore the Budwig Center provides information and training on how to interact peacefully even with difficult people in your life. You are given a book to take home which contains invaluable information on how to interact in all types of situations that call for good interpersonal human relations skills.

Reflexology and gentle Massage therapy is part of the therapies you will also learn about. Every organ in the body is represented in our feet. A professional reflexology session is both therapeutic and relaxing.

The OTO Electro-
Reflexologist ER-839S is registered as Class 2A Medical Device CE. developed by a group of doctors and electronic engineers that helps improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, and ease aches & pains.

CHI Machine-
Even the weak can use this equipment as they lie on a mat on the floor and their feet are moved gently to an adjustable speed and gentle back and forth movement. The Chi balances the body's energy.

several Budwig approved recipes for the entire day are supplied and our Nutritionist prepares some of the meals in your place of stay. You take home the Budwig Cancer Guide which is full of a variety of recipes. In addition we now have the Dr. Armin Grunewald, MD recipes added. Dr. Grunewald is the nephew of Dr. Budwig and is continuing her research and work with the BUDWIG FOUNDATION. After spending time with him we are working in conjunction with his updated dietary program.

Pain Formulas-

 Many cancer patients experience pain. Learn how to apply special oil and mixtures that help relieve pain naturally. Some herbs, like cayenne fight bacteria which is often the root cause of pain. As already mentioned enemas and liver cleansing usually reduces pain considerably.

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